COVID-19: Manhattan, Hermosa and Redondo Beaches are closed temporarily
March 28, 2020Guitar Crazy – my new guitar by Kirk Sand
May 18, 2020Hello hello
During this COVID crisis and hibernation, are you having travel dreams?
I went down this rabbit hole this week when I took a look at my screen saver on my old iMac and saw my 2017 photos of Santa Fe, Taos, Rio Gorge and Ojo Caliente pop up.
And I do mean pop. New Mexico clearly has a magic landscape that’s a photographer magnet. If you’ve ever seen at least 1 episode of “Breaking Bad” or “Better Call Saul,” you get it, right?
I decided to put a #Photowalk video together on the joy of photographing New Mexico without a 2020 visit. (Trust me, I’d prefer to be there in person, but these are the cards we’ve been dealt, right?)
The great photographers Christopher Michel, Susan Portnoy, Rick Sammon, Evgeny Tchebotarev and Michael Jacobs offered their input and photos as well. Take a look and see if you’re not inspired.
The late master Ansel Adams said New Mexico was simply the “most completely beautiful place I have ever seen.”
I’d probably couch it and say “one of the” most beautiful places in the world. And a place I wish I could visit right now.
Here’s why it’s so cool: the skies. The vistas. The landscapes. The colors. The desert!
The historic St. Jerome’s Chapel in Taos, New Mexico, photographed by Jefferson Graham.
New Mexico quotes:
Christopher Michel: “You’ve got it all, from the quirky to sublime. Long open roads, red rocks, Pueblos, there’s something fascinating at every turn.”
Food truck at Rio Gorge
Susan Portnoy: “The light, the light…is fantastic.” Evgeny Tchebotarev: “When I first visited New Mexico I thought I was on a different planet.” Rick Sammon: “Get up early and capture the beautiful light on the buildings downtown.”
Be sure to check out Rick’s “
Route 66 Photo Roadtrip Book,” which includes many amazing photos of New Mexico. Visit tips? Santa Fe, Taos, Ojo Caliente, Rio Gorge, White Sands top my list. How about you? P.S.: I have more New Mexico photos available for viewing here:
#santafe #whitesands #newmexico #riogorge #taos #ojocaliente #photowalk #jeffersongraham